Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) elects a new board

Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) elects a new board During its members meeting of June 2nd, 2021, the Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) elected a new board. Pultrusion is an important and continuously growing segment in the composites industry. It is a continuous manufacturing process of linear composite profiles made of polymeric resins such as polyesters and fiber reinforcement… Continue reading Pultrusion Technology Association (EPTA) elects a new board

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EPTA Industry Briefing: Pultruded composites in infrastructure

Opportunities for pultruded composites in infrastructure Corrosion presents an immense challenge in the infrastructure sector. Maintaining, rehabilitating, replacing and upgrading ageing, deteriorating structures is a growing burden worldwide, with significant economic and environmental impacts. Governments, infrastructure owners, designers and users need new construction technologies which deliver more durable, more sustainable and more economic solutions. Lightweight,… Continue reading EPTA Industry Briefing: Pultruded composites in infrastructure

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EPTA joins the the European Composites Industry Association (EuCIA)

The EuCIA is pleased to announce the further expansion of its membership with the addition of EPTA. EuCIA is the Brussels – based leading Association of the Eu…

The EuCIA is pleased to announce the further expansion of its membership with the addition of EPTA. EuCIA is the Brussels – based leading Association of the Eu…

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